The 2007 Osgoode Cup Results (Winners: Lenci Kadavil & Peter Phua, York University)

Results Winner: Lenci Kadavil and Peter Phua (York) Finalist: Josephine Comegna and Natalie Kertes (U of T) Semi-Finalists: Michael Payton and Ian Johnsrude (York) Stephanie Bono and Elena Davies (Carleton) Top Oralists:  Peter Phua (York) Josephine Comegna (U of t) Elana Davis (Carleton) Valerie Stiso (U of T) Stephanie Bono (Carleton) Scott Pollock (U of T) Michael … Continue reading The 2007 Osgoode Cup Results (Winners: Lenci Kadavil & Peter Phua, York University)