
The 2014 Osgoode Cup Results (Winners: Natalie Kolos & Christopher Gibson, Carleton University)

The Osgoode Cup is Canada’s only National Undergraduate Mooting Competition and is dedicated to providing access to Justice and Advocacy.  Mooting is an important component of a well-rounded legal education. The Osgoode Cup gives Undergraduate and College students hands-on experience in arguing an appeal in a case specially designed to challenge and develop their oral and written advocacy skills in preparation for Law School.

This year, 63 teams of two from 5 Provinces and 18 Colleges and Universities argued the appeal of R v Gomboc and had to be prepared to make submissions for both the appellant and respondent in 4 rounds.

We would like to thank our dedicated team of volunteers, as well as the over 50 volunteer Lawyers, Law students, Professors, and Judges who came out to judge at the cup this year.

Congratulations to our Champions: Natalie Kolos and Christopher Gibson From Carleton University

Our Finalists were: Allie Allison and Deborah Mazer from the University of Toronto

Our Semi Finalists were:
Katrina Crocker and Jordan Brezer from Carleton University
Andrew McGregor and Nicholas Valsamis from Carleton University

And our Quarter Finalists were:
Paige Diebel and Fallon Burns from Humber College
Emily McMurtry and Aaron King from Carleton University
Daniel Rees and Alex Marshall from Memorial University
Colin A. Stephens and Lee Garrett from Carleton University

Our Top Oralist was:
Katrina Crocker

Our Distinguished Oralists were:
(in no particular order)
Allie Allison
Christopher Gibson
Nicholas Valsamis
Paige Diebel
Jordan Brezer
Cora Xiao
Andrew McGregor
Natalie Kolos
Emily McMurtry

What the Mooters liked most about the Osgoode Cup:
The competitive atmosphere. Best of the best.

It was fun, I had great times with all my friends, and as always, it was a good challenge that helped me in my oral advocacy skills.

The chance to get feedback from established judges and be able to work on advocacy skills.

Mooting with people from all over Canada!

The high level of competition, the professionalism of all involved.

Justice O’Connor’s speech after the final panel was the highlight of this year’s Osgoode Cup.

I was very impressed with the quality of judging, through questions and feedback, at least in terms of the ones(judges) I went before.

The competition was fantastic to say the least, I really appreciate the opportunity to have competed with so many tough schools/teams – I wouldn’t have wanted it any other way. Furthermore, it confirmed what I already knew- law school is most definitely my next move. In saying that, I will definitely be keeping my sights on both the competition and Osgoode itself in the next few years. – Alexandra Doran

The case was very interesting to go through, and it was fun to be able to compete against 4 teams in the first day.

It was a great learning experience and judges provided great feedback.

Seeing the school, meeting other law students/professionals.


Thanks again 2014’s  Sponsors:



Thank you, and see you next year,

The Osgoode Cup Team.

2014 Osgoode Cup Gallery